marți, 21 februarie 2012

Quilling Cards with Spring Flowers Part 5

Quilling Cards with Spring Flowers
for Celebration on March 1
Felicitari quilling de Martisor
Part 5

“Martisor” is a traditional celebration of the beginning of spring, on March 1.
 The name means “little March” in Romanian.
Toate felicitarile quilling facute de mine in aceasta
primavara le voi darui de 1 Martie celor dragi.
All the cards made ​​by me in this spring I will give to the loved ones on March 1.
I received all these spring amulets, at March 1st day, over the years.
“Martisor” is made from red and white string
from which a small decoration is tied and is offered to people on March 1.
Women usually wear it pinned to their clothes for first 12 days of the month.
After the 12 days, the string binds on a tree branch.
It is believed that those who wear it will be strong and healthy
for the year to come and is also a symbol of spring.
It is an old tradition in Romania, the Republic of Moldova
and all territories inhabited by Romanians. Bulgarians have an almost similar custom.

I want to present my
Quilling Cards with Spring Flowers for Celebration on March 1
and on the blog

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Part 4

14 comentarii:

  1. Vin si eu pe strada ta pentru un mic martisor-cred ca am vazut o potcovita mica,alba.Eh ,ar merge si felicitarea ,dar nu indraznesc atat de mult.
    Cu drag,aureliaeugenia

  2. Foarte frumoase felicitarile de martisor :) Iti multumesc din suflet pentru vizita si comentariul pe care le-ai facut la "My happy entryway" (da, sunt romanca, desi blogul este in engleza)

  3. This is beautiful, and i love the story behind it! Thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting on my macaroons, got me to visit you.
    i am your newest follower and would be honored if you would like to follow back. no hard feelings if not :-)

  4. beautiful creation I love it!
    Greetings Baukje

  5. Oh Ileana! Tocmai am descoperit crengutele tale inflorite. Am facut si eu unele (imi plac mai mult ale tale) cu un pic mai putin quilling (pentru eficienta si rentabilitate)...
    Cu drag,
