vineri, 23 decembrie 2011

Handmade Christmas Ornaments

Ornamente Handmade
pentru Craciun

You can make simple and fast these ornaments for decoration the Christmas Tree, for gifts that Santa will brings for loved ones or for festive lunch where with the whole family you will celebrate the Christmas Day.
 Puteti realiza simplu si rapid aceste ornamente  care pot impodobi Bradul de Craciun,
cadourile pe care le aduce Mos Craciun celor dragi dumneavoastrasau masa festiva unde se aduna toata familia pentru a sarbatori Craciunul.
 You need fir cones of different shapes and sizes, nuts, anise, cinnamon, allspice berries and anything else you believe that may be used as Christmas ornaments.Sprays that you use are found during the Winter Holidays in shops: gold, silver and with artificial snow.
 Aveti nevoie de conuri de brad de diferite forme si marimi, nuci, anason, scortisoara, boabe de enibahar si orice altceva care considerati ca poate fi folosit ca ornament de Craciun.Spray-urile folosite sunt cele care se gasesc cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna in magazine: auriu, argintiu si cel cu zapada artificiala.


On the day of Saint Andrew, who is also the Patron of Romania, on November 30,
we traditionally put wheat in a pot.How developed wires of wheat show the fruitfulness of orchards and crop on the fields of the year to come.You can put this wheat on festive meal on Christmas Day.I wish you health and Happy Holidays with your loved ones.
Merry Christmas!
 In ziua de Sfantul Andrei, care este si ocrotitorul Romaniei, pe data de 30 noiembrie,
conform traditiei se pune grau la incoltit. Marimea la care s-au dezvoltat firele de grau, la Craciun, arata rodnicia livezilor si campurilor din anul ce va veni. Puteti pune acest grau pe masa festiva din ziua de Craciun.Va doresc sanatate si sarbatori fericite alaturi de cei dragi voua.
Craciun fericit!
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3 comentarii:

  1. Ce ornamente dragute ai realizat. Imi plac in mod special bradutii.
    Craciun fericit!!!

  2. What beautiful ornaments ... I love what you did and truly appreciate the tutorials! Happy Holiday! *Becca* (now following by way of At The Picket Fence)

  3. Ileana,
    Belos trabalhos a partir de peças tão simples. É a criatividade que transforma e embeleza.
    Um Feliz Natal para você!
