luni, 19 noiembrie 2018

Budinca cu creier de porc


Budinca cu creier de porc

Imi place creierul pane dar ma ingrozeste idea de prajeala in ulei.
Asa ca am incercat urmatoarea reteta care se prepara mult mai usor, mai rapid si este si mult mai sanatoasa, fiind eliminate prajeala si uleiul.

1 kg creier de porc
1-2 lingurite sare
½ lingurita piper
1 pahar lapte sau smantana (12%)
200 g branza telemea rasa sau cascaval ras
3 oua
7-8 linguri faina
1 cubulet de unt

Mod de preparare:
Spalam foarte bine creierul. In timpul spalarii se scot pielitele si se verifica sa nu existe bucatele mici de oase.

Punem apoi creierul intr-o oala cu apa la fiert. In apa adaugam 1 lingurita de sare. Se lasa la fiert la foc mediu aproximativ 5 minute. Creierul nu trebuie sa fie bine fiert deoarece se va coace ulterior in cuptor. Se scoate din oala si se pune la scurs intr-o sita. Se lasa sa se raceasca putin, apoi bucatile mai mari de creier se taie in bucatele de 2-3 cm.

Se bat bine oualele impreuna cu sarea si piperul.

Se amesteca laptele cu 6 linguri de faina.

Se pun apoi toate ingredientele de mai sus impreuna si se amesteca usor cu o lingura de lemn.
La sfarsit omogenizam si branza telemea in compozitie. Nu mai punem sare in compozitie.

Ungem o tava cu unt si apoi o tapetam cu 1-2 linguri de faina (aceasta etapa se poate inlocui cu hartie de copt). Turnam compozitia in tava.

Daca avem cascaval ras se lasa o mana de cascaval la sfarsit si se presara deasupra compozitiei turnate in tava. Deasemenea si untul ramas se poate pune deasupra compozitiei. Daca folosim cascaval se pune in compozitie si 1 lingurita de sare.

Punem budinca la copt in cuptor la foc potrivit pentru aproximativ 30 de minute.
Budinca astfel preparata este bine inchegata, are un gust placut si este lipsita de grasimi care se digera greu.
Se serveste rece ca atare sau alaturi de o salata verde.

Pudding with pork brain

We like the pork brain, but we don't like the idea of oil and fried.
So we tried the following recipe that is made much easier, faster and is much
healthier, eliminating the fried in oil.

1 kg of pork brain
1-2 teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon pepper
1 glass of milk or cream (12% fat)
200 g grated cotage cheese ( or cheese)
3 eggs
7-8 tablebspoons of flour
1 cube of butter

Method of preparation:
Wash the brain very well. During washing, remove the skin and check that there
are no small pieces of bones.

Then put the brain in a pot of boiling water. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the water.
Allow to boil over medium heat for about 5 minutes.
The brain should not be well boiled because it will later bake in the oven.
Remove it from the pot and drain into a sieve.
Allow to cool slightly, then larger pieces of brain are cut into 2-3 cm pieces.

Mix the eggs together with salt and pepper.

Mix the milk with 6 tablespoons of flour.

Then place all the above ingredients together and mix with a wooden spoon.
At the end we homogenize the grated cotage cheese in the composition.
No more salt in the composition.

Grase the baking pan with butter and sprinkle over with 1-2 tablespoons of flour
(this can be replaced with baking paper).
We turn the composition into the baking pan.

If we have grated cheese, leave a handful of grated cheese at the end and
sprinkle over the composition in the baking pan.
Also, the remaining butter can be placed above the composition.
If you use presed cheese, put 1 teaspoon of salt in the composition.

Put the pudding in the oven for about 30 minutes.
The pudding prepared is well-rounded, has a pleasant taste and it’s not fat.
Serve it cold with a green lettuce.
This recipe will be entered in following Link Parties:

This fall:

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