joi, 2 aprilie 2015

TUTORIAL - Easter Ornamental Figurines from Polymer Clay

Easter Ornamental Figurines from Polymer Clay

Bunny and Butterfly Shaped
The following materials are required:
-polymer clay with cold drying
-varnish for polymer clay
-transparent nail polish
-shiny colored papers
-colored strings

The following tools are required:
-a brush
-a scissor

-a heart shaped puncher
-a four leaf clover shaped puncher
-a flower shaped puncher
-cake tins: bunny and butterfly shapes

From polymer clay, with the cake tins, we make shapes with bunnies and butterflies at around 4-5 cm size each.
We varnished the shapes with varnish for polymer clay.
After varnish drying (about 24 hours), we adorned them with shaped flowers from shiny colored paper.
We varnished the little flowers and the little leaves off the bunnies and off the butterflies with nail polish to increase the resistance of the entire model.
Easter Ornamental Figurines from Polymer Clay,
will be entered in following Link Parties:

Figurine ornamentale de Paste
din lut polimeric
in forma de iepuras si fluturas

Materiale folosite:
-lut polimeric cu uscare la rece
-lac pentru lut polimeric
-lac de unghii transparent
-hartie cu model
-snur colorat

Unelte folosite: 
-perfoarator cu model in forma de inima
-perforator cu model in forma de trifoi
-perforator cu model in forma de floare
-forme de prajituri cu model de iepuas si de fluturas

Din lut polimeric, cu ajutorul unor forme de prajitura, am facut figurine cu iepurasi si fluturasi, de aproximativ 4-5 cm lungime.
Dupa uscare si lacuire (aproximativ 24 ore), le-am impodobit cu modele de hartie sidefata alba, modele decupate cu ajutorul perforatoarelor cu model in forma de inima, pentru realizarea frunzelor, si in forma de floare pentru realizarea florilor.
Dupa lipirea modelelor am lacuit, cu lac transparent de unghii, florile si frunzele  lipite pe iepurasi si fluturasi pentru marirea rezistentei intregului model.
Toate aceste ornamente din lut polimeric le-am facut pentru a le darui celor dragi cu ocazia sarbatorilor de Paste.
If you are using my tutorial in your projects,
please specify the source of the tutorial.
Thank you.
Daca folositi tutorialul meu in proiectele dvs.
va rog sa specificati pe blogul dvs. sursa tutorialului.
Va multumesc.
My Beautiful Romania:
Muzeul Trovantilor -  comuna Costesti, judetul Valcea

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