joi, 26 ianuarie 2012

Quilling Card with Roses Buds

Felicitare quilling
cu boboci de trandafiri

Technical Specifications:
 The colored sheets for flowers, leaves and stems are cut to 3 mm in thickness with the help of a cutter and a metal line. For the blue and orange roses we cut the paper, with a patterned scissors, in strips of (3 x 15) cm in dimensions. Strains are made by wire and are wrapped in green crepe paper.
Date tehnice lucrare:
 Hartia in format A4 colorata, pentru flori, frunze si tulpini, taiata la 3 mm grosime, cu ajutorul unui cutter si a unei rigle de metal. Pentru trandafirii albastrii si portocalii am taiat hartia cu o foarfeca cu model in fasii de (3 x 15) cm. 
 Tulpinile sunt facute din sarma si sunt invelite cu hartie creponata de culoare verde.
"Arca lui Noe" de la cinematograful Patria din Bucuresti
"The Ship of Noah" from "Patria" Cinema, Bucharest
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Quilling Card with Roses Buds,
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5 comentarii:

  1. Lindo!
    Adorei as flores e as cores.
    Gostei também da amostra da Arca de Noé!

  2. Oh my goodness! That is so amazingly beautiful. You have so much creativity and patience!!! Wish I could sit and work on papercrafts for any length of time.

  3. Minunat buchet, Ileana! Trandafirii sunt superbi! Iti doresc un sfarsit de saptamana frumos si multa creativitate!
