vineri, 12 decembrie 2014

TUTORIAL: Recipe for Dumplings with Plums.


Recipe for Dumplings with Plums
 Recipe for 30 dumplings

Ingredients for dough:
- 6 large potatoes, boiled and chopped
- 2-3 eggs
- 1 pinch of salt
- flour as much as is possible, this is explained like this:
after the potatoes were chopped, put a pinch of salt and 2-3 eggs and begins to put 1-2 handfuls of flour and mix the composition adding flour until the mixture it falls out from the hand  but stay together and his texture it is not hard, it is very important that the composition to have soft texture,  but not much, because dumplings will be soft and fluffy.

Ingredients for filling:
- Fresh or thawed plums cut into four
- Jam or plum marmalade

Other Ingredients:
- 250 g breadcrumbs;
- 3-4 tablespoons with oil
- 5 tablespoons with chopped walnuts;
- 10 tablespoons with sugar, or more, who likes sweet
- 1-2 teaspoons with cinnamon

Fry the breadcrumbs with the oil for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly on low heat.  After the composition  having been taken off the heat add remaining ingredients.
Boil water in a pot with a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of oil, because we don't want to have  sticked dumplings from the bottom of pot. When the water began to boil put the fire lower for keeping a low process for boiling.
Take a spoon with a piece of dough which it will be modeled in hand with a little flour, because we don't want to stick the dumpling of  hands, and put in the dumpling a quarter of plum and a pinch of sugar.
 The walls of dumplings should not be thick. 
When gathered around 6-8 dumplings, boil  the dumplings. When you put them to boil  keep dumplings few seconds in the slotted spoon. This and the oil helps dumplings do not stick of the bottom of the pot. 
After the dumplings were raised to the surface of the water, let it simmer for about 1 minute and then take them from the water and mixed in breadcrumbs with other ingredients.

Bon appetite!

 This receipe
was published on

Galuste cu prune

Reteta pentru aproximativ 30 bucati

Ingrediente pentru aluat:
- 6 cartofi mari, fierti si dati prin masina de tocat
- 2-3 oua
- 1 praf de sare
- faina cat cuprinde, acest lucru se explica cam asa:
dupa ce s-au dat prin masina cartofii, s-au pus un praf de sare si cele 2-3 oua, se incepe sa se puna cate 1-2 pumni de faina si sa se framante compozitia adaugandu-se faina pana cand compozitia se ia de pe mana si se aduna la un loc dar textura compozitiei nu este tare, este foarte important acest lucru, textura compozitiei sa fie moale spre mediu dar  nu tare pentru ca atunci si galustele vor fi moi si pufoase.

Ingrediente pentru umplutura:
- prune proaspete sau decongelate taiate in patru
- dulceata sau magiun de prune;

Alte ingrediente necesare:
- 250 g pesmet;
- 3-4 linguri cu ulei
- 5 linguri cu nuca
- 10 linguri cu  zahar sau chiar mai mult cui ii place mai dulce
- 1-2 lingurite cu scortisoara

Pesmetul impreuna cu uleiul se prajesc aproximativ 1-2 minute, amestecandu-se incontinuu, la foc mic si dupa ce s-a luat de pe foc se adauga si restul ingredientelor.
Se pun la fiert intr-o oala apa cu un praf de sare si o lingura de ulei pentru a nu se lipi galustele la fund. Cand apa a inceput sa clocoteasca se micsoreaza focul mentinindu-se un nivel mic de fierbere al apei.
Se ia cu o lingura cate o bucatica de aluat si se modeleaza in palma  cu ajutorul unui pic de faina pentru a nu se prinde de mana galusca, apoi se pune la mijloc un sfert de pruna si un praf de zahar.
Peretii galustei nu trebuie sa fie grosi, ea se mentine si fierbe bine si cu un strat mai mic de aluat.
Cand s-au adunat in jur de 6-8 galuste, in functie de marimea oalei, se pun la fiert cu ajutorul unei spumiere tinandu-se cateva secunde galustele in spumiera.
Acest lucru si uleiul din apa ajuta galustele sa nu se prinda de fundul oalei atunci cand are loc procesul de fierbere.
Dupa ce galustele s-au ridicat la suprafata apei se mai lasa sa fiarba aproximativ 1 minut, apoi se scot si se dau prin pesmetul amestecat cu celelalte ingrediente.
Aceasta reteta pentru galuste cu prune o am de la bunica mea
de la Suceava in memoria careia am scris aceasta postare.

Pofta buna!

This recipe,
Dumplings with Plums,
will be entered in following Link Parties:

  1. Anything Goes Linky #183 And Features

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